Let's start by saying that there is a really wide variety of milk, both animal and vegetable, on the market today. Furthermore, consumer taste is increasingly refined and in some countries there is a real boom in alternative milks. Also in Italy there is certainly increasing attention to the issue by both baristas and customers.
Even today in Italy the most popular milk at the bar is certainly fresh and whole cow's milk. Mainly used to prepare cappuccino, this milk has a very interesting sensory yield in the cup. In fact, it has a very fine texture of the crema, a round and soft body, and can enhance the sensory characteristics of the espresso and to balance the bitter or excessively acidic parts, ensuring a remarkable balance in the cup.
Skimmed milk is also widespread in Italian coffee shops, which however makes the body less intense. When it is frothed it is more difficult to obtain a fine texture and it is not easy to use it for latte art, given its low fat content. An increasingly popular alternative is undoubtedly soy milk. Also in this case some care is necessary in using it: do not create an excessive crema and pour it quickly enough to prevent the milk from clotting with the espresso.
Photo by Unsplash / Thais Do Rio
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